Why my skin is getting darker by using vitamin C serum?
Naturally, Vitamin C is a highly unstable ingredient, and if your product is expired, your Vitamin C serum may stain your skin or even make the skin pigment appear darker. When formulated, your Vitamin C becomes a photosensitive product, meaning it is fragile when exposed to light.When in the vitamin C is in high concentration, the serum will have a yellowish color; but as it oxidizes, it will turn brown/orange. Cosmetic vitamin C preparations that have discolored should be discarded as they have already oxidized and cannot provide skin benefits.To prevent it from degrading too fast, it should be kept in a dark, oxygen-less, and heat-less environment. The best place to store your vitamin C serums is in a dark, temperate area.

Can vitamin C serum increase hyperpigmentation : Since it impedes melanin production, vitamin C can actually fade hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation — including sunspots, age spots, and melasma — occurs when melanin is overproduced in certain areas of the skin. It can also happen in areas where acne has healed.

Why is my skin getting darker after skincare

Skincare Items With Harsh Chemicals

Any common skin care products you use could result in hyperpigmentation, age spots, pimples, dry patches, and age spots. In addition, some toxic-based cosmetics can cause acne and scarring, darkening and discolouring of your skin.

How do I know if my vitamin C serum is bad : A classic telltale sign of expired or oxidised Vitamin C is a change in colour. If you've spied that your once clear or light yellow serum is now looking a little deeper, or has changed shades entirely, you can take this as a pretty clear indication that your product has oxidised.

Two hours later. If what you have is legit the apple with the serum. On it should still look Super. Fresh. This is because a fresh cut Apple turns brown due to oxidation.

If you experience any irritation or allergic reaction, you should stop using the serum immediately, and if you have ongoing concerns about vitamin C products or your skin health, be sure to speak to a medical professional immediately.

Is vitamin C still good if it oxidizes

Yes and no, as I have just explained, using an oxidised vitamin C product can often lead to some side effects if the formula has turned dark orange or brown. With it lacking in potency and the risk of it staining your skin it is said to avoid using vitamin C products once they have severely oxidised.Check the pH and concentration of your product.

One of the biggest drivers of this skin irritation in vitamin C-containing products is its pH level. “Normal skin pH is around 5.5, but some vitamin C formulations require a low pH, around 3.5, for stability and efficacy,” Dr. de Golian explains.Exposure to heat and sunlight causes oxidation, which can then affect the serum's potency. You'll know it when the product changes color, from clear to brown, or has a rancid smell. If you notice this with the one you're using, it is time to throw it away.

As the skin constantly regenerates these dark spots tend to darker with time in most people. But dark spots tend to form faster and are difficult to fade away and get more deeply rooted when left untreated.

Does face serum darken skin : No, vitamin C serum does not make skin darker. In fact, it is known to have the opposite effect and can help brighten and even out skin tone.

What to avoid when using vitamin C serum : Never combine Vitamin C serum with AHAs, BHAs, retinol, niacinamide, and benzol peroxide in the same routine. It can lead to skin flaking, drying, and irritation. Dermatologists instead recommend choosing serums with 2 or more antioxidants.

When should I stop taking vitamin C serum

If you experience any irritation or allergic reaction, you should stop using the serum immediately, and if you have ongoing concerns about vitamin C products or your skin health, be sure to speak to a medical professional immediately.

Reduces hyperpigmentation

Vitamin C has a reputation for helping even out skin tone by fading sun spots and other dark spots on the skin. In one study, 73% of participants saw an improvement in their hyperpigmentation while using topical vitamin C, though the effects seem to be temporary.While most people can tolerate daily use of vitamin C serum, some people may experience redness, irritation, or even breakouts. If you have sensitive skin, it's important to start slowly when using a vitamin C serum. Begin by using it every other day, and gradually increase to daily use if your skin can tolerate it.

How do I know if my vitamin C serum is working : So, don't expect it to magically also be in your sunscreen and work.” The main factor for deciding whether your Vitamin C serum works or not is the difference in your skin. If it makes your skin bright and clear, you feel refreshed and less sensitive to the sun, then the vitamin C serum is definitely working.