Why is hydrogen fuel so expensive?
Infrastructure Development: Regarding hydrogen fuel cells, several cost factors contribute to their overall expense. One of the significant cost factors is building hydrogen infrastructure, which includes production, storage, and distribution.Current estimates show blue hydrogen is twice the price of natural gas, and green hydrogen is five times this price after long-distance shipping. Predictions show prices will fall fast, but hydrogen needs urgent support to become economically viable over the next decade for this to occur.If it is not produced using renewable sources, hydrogen pollutes. To date, more than 96% of the hydrogen used is grey. It costs less, but its impact on the environment is so great that 10 kilos of carbon dioxide are produced for every kilo of hydrogen obtained.

Why is hydrogen a poor choice : There's virtually no pure hydrogen on Earth because it's so reactive. Most hydrogen is made from methane [natural gas] in a process that produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Hydrogen can also be made from water using electrolysis, but that requires electrical energy.

What are 3 disadvantages of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a highly inflammable substance and explosive in nature; it cannot be easily transported from one place to another and it can be generated by the hydrolysis of water but it is a very expensive process.

What are 3 drawbacks to hydrogen fuel cells : Hydrogen fuel cells

Cons: This space-age technology is expensive. Acceptable range requires extremely-high-pressure, on-board hydrogen storage. Few places to refuel. Hydrogen is very expensive to transport and there is no infrastructure in place yet.

approximately 60 miles

One kg of hydrogen contains about the same energy as a gallon of gasoline. Today a fuel-cell electric vehicle with 1 kg of hydrogen can drive approximately 60 miles, compared to conventional vehicles, which get about 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline.

But hydrogen is a highly flammable and corrosive element, and it would be costly to repurpose oil and gas infrastructure to make it safe for hydrogen. And while hydrogen is not a greenhouse gas, it is not harmless. It aggravates some greenhouse gases, for instance causing methane to stay in the atmosphere for longer.

Why hydrogen is not the future

One major issue is the inefficiency of producing and storing hydrogen fuel. The process of creating hydrogen gas through electrolysis or reforming natural gas requires a significant amount of energy, often derived from non-renewable sources."It's just that, unlike Musk, it's not my own investment." Musk has panned hydrogen as a practical fuel source for vehicles many times. Its low density means it would require a highly pressurized "gigantic fuel tank," making it a "big pain in the ass," he said on a Tesla earnings call in January 2021.And while hydrogen production does not generate greenhouse gas emissions, hydrogen combustion, like any combustion reaction that heats air to high temperatures, creates harmful pollutants called nitrogen oxides. These are linked to smog, acid rain, and damaging health impacts such as asthma and respiratory infections.

But when emitted into the atmosphere, hydrogen contributes to climate change by increasing the amounts of other greenhouse gases such as methane, ozone and water vapor, resulting in indirect warming.

Is making hydrogen fuel cells bad for the environment : Hydrogen used in fuel cells does not result in carbon emissions, only electricity, water, and heat. The production of hydrogen through steam methane reforming (SMR) produces emissions that are known to be harmful, including NOx, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Is there a downside to hydrogen cars : More energy- and labor-intensive to store and transport hydrogen than gasoline or diesel fuel. Fuel cells are expensive to replace. Safety concerns over hydrogen flammability and electrical shock. Maintenance costs remain unclear.

Is hydrogen cheaper than electric

Hydrogen cars are more expensive than electric cars and have over 1000+ refueling stations globally as of 2023. However, you can purchase electric cars at a more reasonable price and find thousands of powering\charging stations for EVs globally.

A theoretical electrolysis system at 100% assumed efficiency would require 39.4 kWh of electricity to produce 1 kg of hydrogen. However, commercial devices which are available for implementation are less efficient. It comes to around 50 – 60% of efficiencies in the long run.Statistics cited by the outlet noted that the traditional EV maximizes 94% of its fuel efficiency, while FCEVs maximize just 68%. So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.

Will hydrogen ever run out : Star formation will die out long before all the hydrogen runs out. Much of it will be trapped in very low mass stars and lots more will be in the very sparse intergalactic medium (where ∼50% of it is now). In terms of possible production mechanisms, almost all the hydrogen that exists now comes from the big bang.