Why hydrogen cars won t work?
It's inefficient compared to battery electric vehicles. The reason why hydrogen is inefficient is because the energy must be transferred from wire to gas and then back to wire in order to power a car – known as the Energy Vector Transition.But it is not used as domestic fuel, due to several reasons : Hydrogen is not easily available and cost of production is high Unlike other gases, hydrogen is not readily available in the atmosphere. It requires processes like electrolysis of water for its production. This is a very costly process and time consuming.The same characteristic that makes it eco-friendly and economical is what gives hydrogen as a fuel its biggest flaw: its simple composition makes it highly flammable in large quantities, so it requires a lot of investment to come up with protection systems to avoid the risk of fire.

Why is it difficult to use hydrogen as a fuel for cars : Because hydrogen has a lower volumetric energy density than that of gasoline, storing this much hydrogen on a vehicle currently requires a larger tank at higher pressure than other gaseous fuels.

Why hydrogen cars are not the future

Currently, most hydrogen is produced using fossil fuels, which defeats the purpose of reducing carbon emissions. The production of hydrogen using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, is not yet commercially viable on a large scale.

Why hydrogen is not the future : One major issue is the inefficiency of producing and storing hydrogen fuel. The process of creating hydrogen gas through electrolysis or reforming natural gas requires a significant amount of energy, often derived from non-renewable sources.

Statistics cited by the outlet noted that the traditional EV maximizes 94% of its fuel efficiency, while FCEVs maximize just 68%. So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.

Hydrogen is a highly inflammable substance and explosive in nature; it cannot be easily transported from one place to another and it can be generated by the hydrolysis of water but it is a very expensive process.

Why hydrogen fuel is not the future

The Problem

While hydrogen itself is a clean fuel, the process of extracting it is, at present, not climate-friendly and very energy-intensive. Depending on the method and technology used, extracting it may use more energy than it provides as a fuel. Production of hydrogen from coal and natural gas also releases CO2.Statistics cited by the outlet noted that the traditional EV maximizes 94% of its fuel efficiency, while FCEVs maximize just 68%. So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.While manufacturers continue to spruik fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) there are over ten reasons hydrogen for transportation is dead, including for cars. The game is over, but manufacturers are still saying FCEV have a life. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) have beaten the claimed advantages of FCEV conclusively.

Hydrogen can cause many metals, including the carbon steel widely used in gas pipelines, to become brittle. In addition, any high-pressure storage tank presents a risk of rupture.

Why hydrogen is losing the race : They're expensive

Part of the reason consumers aren't flocking to hydrogen cars is their cost, McKerracher says. The 2024 Toyota Mirai, one of the best-selling hydrogen vehicles on the market, rings in at around $50,000 today—more expensive than comparable gas and electric cars.

Why is hydrogen a poor choice : There's virtually no pure hydrogen on Earth because it's so reactive. Most hydrogen is made from methane [natural gas] in a process that produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Hydrogen can also be made from water using electrolysis, but that requires electrical energy.

What are the biggest issues with hydrogen

For all the many advantages of hydrogen fuel cells, there are still a few disadvantages and challenges to address:

  • Hydrogen Extraction.
  • Investment is Required.
  • Cost of Raw Materials.
  • Regulatory Issues.
  • Overall Cost.
  • Hydrogen Storage.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Highly Flammable.

Hydrogen is a highly inflammable substance and explosive in nature; it cannot be easily transported from one place to another and it can be generated by the hydrolysis of water but it is a very expensive process.A new Global Hydrogen Car market study indicates hydrogen-powered vehicles are expected to take off by 2028. This study evaluates the growth potential of the hydrogen car market and provides market intelligence and strategic insights for decision-makers.

Why is hydrogen the weakest : Answer and Explanation: Hydrogen bonds are weak because they are an ionic interaction between only partially charged molecules. In a covalent bond, orbitals between atoms overlap and the atoms effectively share the electrons. This creates a strong bond that is not easily broken.