Why hydrogen cars are better than electric?
Typical EV ranges currently range from around 100 miles to around 350 miles. Hydrogen cars, on the other hand, offer a better driving range along – and a shorter refuelling time. The distance a hydrogen can cover ranges from 400 to 600 miles, depending on the size of the tank.“The answer is no,” said Liebreich, without a moment's hesitation. Carmakers betting on a large share for hydrogen are “just wrong”, and heading for an expensive disappointment, he added. The key problem for hydrogen cars is not the fuel cell but actually getting the clean hydrogen where it is needed.Hydrogen is a highly inflammable substance and explosive in nature; it cannot be easily transported from one place to another and it can be generated by the hydrolysis of water but it is a very expensive process.

Why is hydrogen power better : Hydrogen is an optimal energy solution in areas that are difficult to decarbonize. Hydrogen advantages include eliminating emissions to improve regional air quality while reducing greenhouse gas emissions; hydrogen reduces CO2, particulates, and NOx emissions as compared to internal combustion engines.

Why is hydrogen cars not popular

There is a severe lack of infrastructure for hydrogen cars, with refuelling stations few and far between. This scarcity makes it difficult for consumers to refuel their vehicles, limiting the practicality and convenience of owning a hydrogen fuel car.

Do hydrogen cars have a future : A new Global Hydrogen Car market study indicates hydrogen-powered vehicles are expected to take off by 2028. This study evaluates the growth potential of the hydrogen car market and provides market intelligence and strategic insights for decision-makers.

The Problem

While hydrogen itself is a clean fuel, the process of extracting it is, at present, not climate-friendly and very energy-intensive. Depending on the method and technology used, extracting it may use more energy than it provides as a fuel. Production of hydrogen from coal and natural gas also releases CO2.

There's virtually no pure hydrogen on Earth because it's so reactive. Most hydrogen is made from methane [natural gas] in a process that produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Hydrogen can also be made from water using electrolysis, but that requires electrical energy.

What are 2 dangers of using hydrogen as a fuel

Specifically, hydrogen has a wide range of flammable concentrations in air and lower ignition energy than gasoline or natural gas, which means it can ignite more easily. Consequently, adequate ventilation and leak detection are important elements in the design of safe hydrogen systems.Given its properties, hydrogen can be a good fuel because:

  • Its use for energy purposes does not cause greenhouse gas emissions (water is the only by-product of the process)
  • It can be used to produce other gases, as well as liquid fuels.

It can easily escape into the atmosphere due to its low volumetric energy density, as well as being highly volatile and reactive, further complicating the matters of safety during transportation.

The production of hydrogen using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, is not yet commercially viable on a large scale. Storage and transportation of hydrogen is also very costly, with complex engineering and materials involved in keeping it contained.

Why hydrogen is not the future : One major issue is the inefficiency of producing and storing hydrogen fuel. The process of creating hydrogen gas through electrolysis or reforming natural gas requires a significant amount of energy, often derived from non-renewable sources.

Is there a downside to hydrogen cars : More energy- and labor-intensive to store and transport hydrogen than gasoline or diesel fuel. Fuel cells are expensive to replace. Safety concerns over hydrogen flammability and electrical shock. Maintenance costs remain unclear.

Why are hydrogen vehicles not popular

Unfortunately, a hydrogen fuel cell offers few advantages over a battery, with several deal-breaking disadvantages. The problems that show no sign of really being overcome include cost, lack of infrastructure and relative inefficiencies in delivering hydrogen to customers.

Hydrogen can cause many metals, including the carbon steel widely used in gas pipelines, to become brittle. In addition, any high-pressure storage tank presents a risk of rupture."It's just that, unlike Musk, it's not my own investment." Musk has panned hydrogen as a practical fuel source for vehicles many times. Its low density means it would require a highly pressurized "gigantic fuel tank," making it a "big pain in the ass," he said on a Tesla earnings call in January 2021.

Why hydrogen cars are not the future : Currently, most hydrogen is produced using fossil fuels, which defeats the purpose of reducing carbon emissions. The production of hydrogen using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, is not yet commercially viable on a large scale.