Why do you need ingress?
With Ingress, you can route traffic to different services based on the URL path or hostname. This allows you to easily handle multiple domains or subdomains within a single cluster, and to route traffic to different services based on the URL path as depicted in the following diagram.Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource. An Ingress may be configured to give Services externally-reachable URLs, load balance traffic, terminate SSL / TLS, and offer name-based virtual hosting.Yes, you don't need ingress at all in this case. According to kubernetes official doc, Ingress is: An API object that manages external access to the services in a cluster, typically HTTP. So, if you don't need any external access via http, you can omit ingress.

What is the use of ingress class : An Ingress resource can target a specific Ingress controller instance which is useful when running multiple ingress controllers in the same cluster. Targetting an Ingress controller means only a specific controller should handle/implement the ingress resource.

Why use ingress instead of load balancer

The main difference is ingresses are native objects inside the cluster that can route to multiple services, while load balancers are external to the cluster and only route to a single service.

Why do I need ingress and load balancer : Load balancer distributes workloads among servers or Kubernetes clusters in this instance in an equal manner. Ingress functions as a proxy to bring traffic into the cluster, then uses internal service routing to direct it where it is needed.

The main difference between data egress and ingress is the direction of data flow: ingress refers to data entering a system or network, while egress refers to data leaving a system or network.

Simplifies management of complex ingress processes, with the ability to easily manage access to multiple services in one system. This can have a significant impact on performance and management costs of large systems. All ingress controllers support a set of annotations that enable specific software-based features.

What is the point load balancer to ingress in Kubernetes

Load Balancers in Kubernetes have quite a bit of overlap with ingresses. This is because they are primarily used to expose services to the internet, which, as we saw above, is also a feature of ingresses. However, load balancers have different characteristics from ingresses.Benefits of Using Ingress Controllers

Traffic Management and Load Balancing: Ingress Controllers allow for advanced traffic routing and load balancing strategies. This enables efficient distribution of incoming requests across multiple instances of a service, ensuring high availability and scalability.Ingress can not sit between servers and the internet. Load balancers sit between servers and the internet.

An egress window serves as a crucial means of escape during emergencies, such as fires, providing safe access not only for occupants but also for emergency personnel.

Why is egress used : Egress filtering, where IT monitors outbound traffic and blocks traffic deemed to be malicious, helps mitigate these risks too. Beyond firewalls, organizations also use DLP software to protect against data exfiltration.

Why is ingress and egress important : Ingress and egress rights are important to homeowners since they allow access to their property. A right of egress is allowed via an easement, which is the right to use someone else's property for a specific purpose.

Why do we use ingress and egress

The efficient management of ingress and egress points is critical for network performance optimization. Ingress points help protect the network from potential threats and unauthorized access, while egress points ensure efficient data transmission to external networks or destinations.

Egress uses MFA to strengthen security and prevent unauthorized account access. Automatic or sender-initiated encryption. Ensures emails are always secured based on policy, and allows users to proactively secure mail.The ingress rules are a set of rules for processing a frame or packet that is received on a switch port. These rules enforce the VLAN tagging standards based on the actual port type defined. These rules apply only to inbound data on a switch port.

What is the purpose of ingress in Kubernetes : Kubernetes Ingress is an API object that helps developers expose their applications and manage external access by providing http/s routing rules to the services within a Kubernetes cluster.