Why did Nebula collapse?
This corresponds to the Quran's description of the sky becoming "rose red, like stained leather". The Rosette Nebula is a spectacular example of stars and gas coalescing to form a celestial body, and is a testament to the accuracy of the Quran's descriptions of the sky.As a result, you'll likely only see many nebulae as being faint, grey patches with a hint of red, green, or blue, and some texture and shape being visible. A lot will depend on your equipment, the observing conditions, and how well your eyes are adapted to the dark.A nebula is an enormous cloud of dust and gas occupying the space between stars and acting as a nursery for new stars. The roots of the word come from Latin nebula, which means a “mist, vapor, fog, smoke, exhalation.” Nebulae are made up of dust, basic elements such as hydrogen and other ionized gases.

What is the closest nebula to Earth : the Helix Nebula

The closest known nebula to Earth is called the Helix Nebula. It is the remnant of a dying star—possibly one like the Sun. It is approximately 700 light-years away from Earth. That means even if you could travel at the speed of light, it would still take you 700 years to get there!

Does nebula rose exist

The Rosette Nebula is located in the Milky Way Galaxy roughly 5,000 light-years from Earth and is known for its rose-like shape and distinctive hole at its centre. The nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases with several massive stars found in a cluster at its heart.

What is the big black cube in Islam : The Kaaba

The Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building, elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil. Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, it is the holiest shrine in Islam.

What species was Nebula before Thanos started replacing parts of her body with robotics for losing fights against Gamora Despite looking like a blue Kree , she appears to be in both comics and film a Luphomoids . Accourding to this wiki they are humanoid race of blue and purple skinned aliens .

Nebula was later freed from prison by her lieutenant Geatar and converted into a cyborg by Doctor Mandibus. She attempted to free her pirate crew from the "Anvil" space prison, but was thwarted by the Silver Surfer and Jack of Hearts. She killed her crew in escaping.

Why did the solar nebula heat up as it collapsed

HEATING: The temperature of the solar nebula increases as it collapses. As the cloud shrinks, its gravitational potential energy is converted to the kinetic energy of individual gas particles falling inward. These particles crash into one another, converting their kinetic energy into thermal energy.Nebulas are famous for their beauty and for being where stars are born, but not for being among the coldest things in existence. The temperature of the Orion Nebula is around 10,000 degrees Kelvin—even hotter than the surface of the Sun!Simply put, the main difference between galaxies and nebulae are an extreme difference in size, as well as their basic structure. A nebula is a cloud of dust and gas, usually tens to hundreds of light years across. A galaxy is much larger — usually thousands to hundreds of thousands of light years across.

As a planet grows, it accumulates material from its surroundings, so its composition reflects the environment in which it formed. To get high concentrations of helium-3 deep in the core, Earth would have had to form inside a thriving solar nebula, not on its fringes or during its waning phase.

Did nebula really shave her head : Actually, Karej shaved her head of her own before Marvel could tell her that she didn't need to do so. Guess she opted to use prosthetics like Marvel planned in her later appearances to not have to shave her hair and costing her other roles. Karen had to wear a wig when she did "The Time of the Doctor," for Doctor Who.

Was nebula not a robot : After he killed her family, she was raised alongside Gamora and trained to be a warrior. Thanos often forced them to fight and Gamora was always victorious. After every loss, Thanos would have a piece of Nebula replaced with a cybernetic part, transforming her into a cyborg.

How old is Adam in Islam

Hadith say that once Adam was on earth, God (sometimes Gabriel at service of God) taught him how to plant seeds and bake bread. This was to become the way of all of Adam's children. Adam proceeded to live for about 960 years, though this has been a topic of debate.

Since Abraham built al-Ka'ba and called for Hajj 5,000 years ago, its doors have been of interest to kings and rulers throughout the history of Mecca. Historians say that when it was first built, the Kaaba had no door or roof and was simply made of walls.Past Nebula and Present Nebula are not two points on the same line, but two completely self-contained entities from parallel universes. Therefore Past Nebula's death has no bearing on Present Nebula's continued existance.

Why did Thanos hate Nebula : Thanos never cared much for Nebula, even going so far as to say in Guardians of the Galaxy that Gamora was his favorite. That could be because, to Thanos, Nebula was nothing more than a means to spare Gamora while still obtaining the Soul Stone.