Why did hydrogen cars fail?
There is a severe lack of infrastructure for hydrogen cars, with refuelling stations few and far between. This scarcity makes it difficult for consumers to refuel their vehicles, limiting the practicality and convenience of owning a hydrogen fuel car.Unfortunately, a hydrogen fuel cell offers few advantages over a battery, with several deal-breaking disadvantages. The problems that show no sign of really being overcome include cost, lack of infrastructure and relative inefficiencies in delivering hydrogen to customers.Yes, hydrogen cars are way better than electric cars in terms of zero harmful emissions, quick refueling, and longer driving range. However, hydrogen cars are quite expensive and inefficient with limited infrastructure, and therefore, electric cars are more convenient, reliable, and a better option to consider.

Why hydrogen fuel is not the future : The Problem

While hydrogen itself is a clean fuel, the process of extracting it is, at present, not climate-friendly and very energy-intensive. Depending on the method and technology used, extracting it may use more energy than it provides as a fuel. Production of hydrogen from coal and natural gas also releases CO2.

Will hydrogen overtake EV

Statistics cited by the outlet noted that the traditional EV maximizes 94% of its fuel efficiency, while FCEVs maximize just 68%. So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.

Do hydrogen cars have a future : A new Global Hydrogen Car market study indicates hydrogen-powered vehicles are expected to take off by 2028. This study evaluates the growth potential of the hydrogen car market and provides market intelligence and strategic insights for decision-makers.

Hydrogen is a highly inflammable substance and explosive in nature; it cannot be easily transported from one place to another and it can be generated by the hydrolysis of water but it is a very expensive process.

Statistics cited by the outlet noted that the traditional EV maximizes 94% of its fuel efficiency, while FCEVs maximize just 68%. So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.

Are hydrogen cars dead

While manufacturers continue to spruik fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) there are over ten reasons hydrogen for transportation is dead, including for cars. The game is over, but manufacturers are still saying FCEV have a life. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) have beaten the claimed advantages of FCEV conclusively.In fact, even though hydrogen cars are more energy efficient than ICE cars, EVs still outdo them in the efficiency stakes. EVs can convert 80% of the electricity in the battery into energy, while hydrogen cars currently convert a maximum of about 40%.Star formation will die out long before all the hydrogen runs out. Much of it will be trapped in very low mass stars and lots more will be in the very sparse intergalactic medium (where ∼50% of it is now). In terms of possible production mechanisms, almost all the hydrogen that exists now comes from the big bang.

But hydrogen is a highly flammable and corrosive element, and it would be costly to repurpose oil and gas infrastructure to make it safe for hydrogen. And while hydrogen is not a greenhouse gas, it is not harmless. It aggravates some greenhouse gases, for instance causing methane to stay in the atmosphere for longer.

Are hydrogen cars safe : Hydrogen is as safe as any other fuel used in a car. It's been used as an energy carrier for decades, and there is a vast amount of cumulative know-how and experience in Toyota and elsewhere to handle it safely.

How likely are hydrogen cars to explode : Summing up

Hydrogen is as safe as any other fuel used in a car. It's been used as an energy carrier for decades, and there is a vast amount of cumulative know-how and experience in Toyota and elsewhere to handle it safely.

Will hydrogen win over electric

Can hydrogen overtake batteries in cars “The answer is no,” said Liebreich, without a moment's hesitation. Carmakers betting on a large share for hydrogen are “just wrong”, and heading for an expensive disappointment, he added.

So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.Hydrogen's energy content by volume is low. This makes storing hydrogen a challenge because it requires high pressures, low temperatures, or chemical processes to be stored compactly.

Is hydrogen safer than jet fuel : Safe. Hydrogen is significantly safer than jet fuel. It has a great safety record in hydrogen-powered vehicles.