Who requires an EPD?
Market and legal regulations

To date, manufacturers are not obliged (mandatory by law) to provide EPDs. But, the market increasingly regulates the use of EPDs in various applications itself.EPDs reveal the good, the bad, and the ugly of the product's life cycle and do not allow for any information to be hidden or downplayed, giving the specifier or designer an honest look at that product's environmental impact throughout the life cycle.EPD reports are standardized, verified documents that transparently present credible information about a product's impact on the environment. Following the ISO14025 standard (i.e., Type III Environmental Declaration), EPDs are useful for communication, comparison, and decision-making.

What is an EPD used for : What does EPD stand for An environmental product declaration, or EPD, is a document which transparently communicates the environmental performance or impact of any product or material over its lifetime.

Is an EPD a certification

What is EPD Certification An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), also known as a type III environmental declaration, is an important validation tool that provides quantified and independently verified environmental information of goods and services.

What is the difference between EPS and EPD : EPS foams are made of polystyrene (95 % by weight), blown with pentane up to 6 % by weight, which is released partly during or shortly after production. This EPD refers to products, which are produced without the addition of a flame retardant. Typically no other additives are used.

While EPDs are meant to be standard, they can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and product category to product category. A product environmental profile (PEP) is a version of an EPD for use with electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and HVAC products that follow specific product category rules (PCRs).

According to a recent international survey the cost of EPDs was around $15,000 per EPD.

What is the difference between PCR and EPD

A PCR is a set of rules, requirements, and guidelines for developing an EPD, which is an independently verified and registered summary report of environmental impacts of a material's production.An Industry EPD (aka sector or generic EPD) provides typical footprints for a product type across an entire industry sector. This type of EPD is typically published by a trade association based on confidential data from member manufacturers, typically weighted by market volume.EPD Traits

All of the breed associations that have EPD report four traits: Birth Weight — in pounds at birth, excluding maternal influence. Birth weight is the most important factor in Direct Calving Ease (see below).

An environmental product declaration (EPD) transparently reports the lifecycle assessment of a product in a single, comprehensive report, which is verified by UL Solutions against the international ISO 14025 standard.

How do you get an EPD : An EPD is generated based on data obtained through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). An LCA is performed using a peer-reviewed Product Category Rules document (PCR) in line with EN 15804 (the European Standard for the generation of EPD for construction products), ISO 14025, and other related international standards.

What are the two types of EPD : For construction product manufacturers, the two relevant ISO standards are:

  • ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)
  • ISO 14025 Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures.

Is EPD mandatory in the UK

EPDs are not usually mandatory

For instance, EPDS are not yet compulsory in the UK, but the market is increasingly self-regulating as manufacturers seek to demonstrate carbon transparency and market their products accordingly.

The carbon footprint of a product, on the other hand, is assessed through a more in-depth and focused methodology compared to the one used for the organisation itself. The EPD is based on the ISO 14025 standard and requires the reporting not only of CO2 emissions, but also of other product-related aspects of pollution.EPDs, Environmental Product Declarations (ISO 14025), are much like the nutritional values you find on food labels. As you know, these values are not promises for health benefits. But what the nutritional values do give, is critical data at a glance. With this data, you can easily compare products.

What is an example of an expected progeny difference : Example 1.

The expected difference in the progeny of Sire A and Sire B for birth weight is 5 pounds. Sire A has an EPD of +4 and Sire B has an EPD of -1. On the average, it would be expected that the calves from Sire A would be 5 pounds heavier at birth than calves from Sire B.