Who is Jesus to the Jews?
There is no official Jewish view of Jesus but in one respect Jews are agreed in their attitude towards Jesus. Jews reject the tremendous claim, which is made for Jesus by his Christian followers – that Jesus is the Lord Christ, God Incarnate, the very Son of God the Father.He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues. He preached from Jewish text, from the Bible.In the New Testament, Jesus was mocked as King of the Jews, both at the beginning of his life and at the end by the Romans, though Jesus rejected that title before Pilate in John 18:34. However, the chief priests correct the mockery, challenging Jesus as "King of Israel" in Matthew 27:42.

How do Muslims view Jesus : So although Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the son of God — a critically important distinction between Muslim and Christian views of him — Muslims do revere Jesus as an important prophet.

Do Muslims believe in Jesus

In the Quran, Jesus is described as the Messiah (al-Masīḥ), miraculously born of a virgin, performing miracles, accompanied by his disciples, rejected by the Jewish religious establishment, but not as crucified or dying on the cross (nor resurrected), rather as miraculously saved by God and ascending into heaven.

Who do Jews pray to : The name of God used most often in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton (Hebrew: יהוה, romanized: YHWH). Jews traditionally do not pronounce it, and instead refer to God as HaShem, literally "the Name". In prayer, the Tetragrammaton is substituted with the pronunciation Adonai, meaning "My Lord".

He was born into David's family, As the Messiah, Jesus was called the Son of David. And during His trial and crucifixion, He was identified as the King of the Jews. The other sense of Christ's fulfillment of this role is more cosmic in nature. God has always been King over His creation, whether in heaven or on earth.

The name of God used most often in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton (Hebrew: יהוה, romanized: YHWH). Jews traditionally do not pronounce it, and instead refer to God as HaShem, literally "the Name".

Do Jews believe in Jesus

Judaism does not accept Jesus as a divine being, an intermediary between humans and God, a messiah, or holy. Belief in the Trinity is also held to be incompatible with Judaism, as are a number of other tenets of Christianity.Muslims regard Jesus (peace be upon him) as one of the great prophets who brought divine guidance to humanity before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).Almost all Christians believe that Jesus was the incarnated Son of God, divine, and sinless. Islam teaches that Jesus was the penultimate and one of the most important prophets of God, but not the Son of God, not divine, and not part of the Trinity.

The apocryphal Gospel of Barnabas, which explicitly mentions Muhammad, is widely recognized by scholars as a fabrication from the Early Modern Age. Some Muslim theologians also claimed the Paraclete (Greek New Testament) as Muhammad, although scholars identify it with the Holy Spirit.

What religion was Jesus : Jewish

Jesus ( c. 6 to 4 BC – AD 30 or 33), also referred to as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, and many other names and titles, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.

Do the Jews believe in Jesus : Judaism does not accept any of the claimed fulfilments of prophecy that Christianity attributes to Jesus. Israelis who endorse the belief that Jesus is the Messiah or Christ are not considered Jews by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel nor by the Israeli government.

Is Allah the same as Yahweh

Are Yahweh and Allah The Same Deity Mark said Yahweh and Allah are not the same deity. He used the analogy of talking about a friend at a class reunion to illustrate the variances between a Christian's view of Yahweh and a Muslim's beliefs about Allah.

Jesus Christ

The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ who lived about 2,000 years ago. The Bible, the holy book of the Christians, narrates the life and teachings of Jesus.In the Quran, Jesus is described as the Messiah (al-Masīḥ), miraculously born of a virgin, performing miracles, accompanied by his disciples, rejected by the Jewish religious establishment, but not as crucified or dying on the cross (nor resurrected), rather as miraculously saved by God and ascending into heaven.

Do Muslims believe Jesus died on the cross : Unlike the Christian view of the death of Jesus, most Muslims believe he was raised to Heaven without being put on the cross and God created a resemblance to appear exactly like Jesus who was crucified instead of Jesus, and he ascended bodily to Heaven, there to remain until his Second Coming in the End days.