What replaces Kafka?
Top Aiven for Apache Kafka Alternatives

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics.
  • Confluent Platform.
  • Google Cloud Dataflow.
  • Apache Storm.
  • Cribl Stream.
  • Azure Stream Analytics.
  • Red Hat Decision Manager.
  • Cloudera DataFlow.

Since its inception over a decade ago, Kafka has matured into the de facto standard for data streaming, because it has the following advantages: Scalability — up to trillions of messages per day, thousands of topics split into tens of thousands of partitions and hundreds (or even thousands) of brokers.We have compiled a list of solutions that reviewers voted as the best overall alternatives and competitors to Apache Kafka, including Confluent, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, MuleSoft Anypoint Platform, and IBM MQ.

What is the alternative to Kafka in AWS : A: There are multiple products in the AWS cloud that can provide similar Pub/Sub functionality to Kafka, including Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon MQ, Amazon MSK, and Confluent Cloud. This article focuses on comparing Kafka and Kinesis as these are the two options we most frequently find our customers debating between.

Can Redis replace Kafka

Redis is often used when low latency and simplicity are crucial, such as in caching scenarios or real-time analytics. Redis does not inherently provide the same level of durability or fault tolerance as Kafka, and its use as a message broker may be more suitable for scenarios where these features are less critical.

Which is better Kafka or Redis : Both Kafka and Redis are suitable for low-latency data processing. Redis offers a lower messaging time that ranges in milliseconds, while Kafka averages tens of milliseconds. Considering that Redis reads and writes data primarily on RAM, it naturally edges Kafka in speed.

As Kafka is designed to handle high volumes of data, it's overkill if you need to process only a small amount of messages per day (up to several thousand). Use traditional message queues such as RabbitMQ for relatively smaller data sets or as a dedicated task queue.

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that Netflix uses for messaging and real-time data processing. Kafka provides a robust and durable messaging system that allows Netflix's microservices to communicate with each other efficiently.

What is the Google equivalent of Kafka


Pub/Sub provides features similar to Kafka 2.0 error handling and to how Kafka Connect handles dead-letter topics. To notify Pub/Sub that a message was delivered successfully, subscribers to Pub/Sub topics can acknowledge messages that they receive and process.Amazon Kinesis and Apache Kafka are both popular data streaming platforms. They offer similar features, but there are also some pretty noteworthy differences. These platforms cater to the burgeoning demand for real-time analysis in surveillance camera operations and IoT data streaming.Both Kafka and Kinesis offer cost-effective, scalable, and low-latency streaming options. As a managed solution, Kinesis is better suited for small teams that have very little or no DevOps capacity, whereas the open-ended configurability of Kafka is better suited for larger teams with more complex streaming needs.

Both Kafka and Redis are suitable for low-latency data processing. Redis offers a lower messaging time that ranges in milliseconds, while Kafka averages tens of milliseconds. Considering that Redis reads and writes data primarily on RAM, it naturally edges Kafka in speed.

Is Pubsub better than Kafka : Kafka is more suitable for complex, high-throughput streaming scenarios where full control over the environment is required. On the other hand, Google Cloud Pub/Sub is ideal for cloud-native applications on GCP that benefit from a fully managed, scalable messaging service with less operational overhead.

When Kafka is overkill : For small to medium-sized systems with moderate data processing needs, integrating Kafka might be excessive. If your system doesn't require real-time data streaming or doesn't deal with an extensive volume of events, simpler messaging systems may suffice without the added complexity that Kafka introduces.

Does Spotify use Kafka

Apache Kafka: Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for real-time data processing and messaging. Spotify uses Kafka for streaming music and handling events in real-time.

As Kafka is designed to handle high volumes of data, it's overkill if you need to process only a small amount of messages per day (up to several thousand). Use traditional message queues such as RabbitMQ for relatively smaller data sets or as a dedicated task queue.Kafka acts as a bridge for all point-to-point and Netflix Studio wide communications. It provides us with the high durability and linearly scalable, multi-tenant architecture required for operating systems at Netflix.

Does Netflix use Kafka or Kinesis : Netflix uses over 1,000 Amazon Kinesis shards in parallel to process the colossal traffic it receives from its global subscribers. But that was in 2017 before Netflix grew to over 231 million subscribers in 2023.