What makes the plot interesting?
There are three elements to a good plot: challenge, conflict, and character. You can create them in any order; it's really up to you and how you work. What matters is that you have all three—and give all three of them equal attention when you're writing.A good plot requires a relatable protagonist that reacts to situations organically. The best way to create a dynamic character is to give them clear goals and flaws. Conflict adds tension to your plot. Place your characters in situations where they struggle and increase the difficulty as your story progresses.A good story should have the following five characteristics: plot, conflict, character, setting, and theme. Plot is the sequence of events that make up the story. Conflict is the struggle that the protagonist must overcome. Characters are the people who populate the story.

What makes the plot effective : A good plot deserves time spent on the detail, the reactions and changes of your characters, and the all-important high point near the end of your story. Throughout your book, the conflict should build slowly at first, then become more and more tense and exiting as it progresses.

How do you write interesting plot points

How to Use Plot Points in Your Writing

  1. Choose plot points that explain character motivation and desire. The most effective plot points are motivated by your character's wants and desires.
  2. Make sure your plot points are points of no return.
  3. Build plot points around key structural intervals.
  4. Create a roadmap by outlining.

What makes a book have a good plot : A good plot grows out of your character's needs and your character's desires (not necessarily the same thing) running up against obstacles. Internal and external problems keep your protagonist(s) from gaining what they need until everything comes together in a thrilling climax.

There are 5 elements of plot:

  • Exposition.
  • Rising Action.
  • Climax.
  • Falling Action.
  • Conclusion.

The climax is the most exciting point of the story, and is a turning point for the plot or goals of the main character.

What makes a story interesting for the reader or audience

Every good story must be full of drama. Drama is what brings stories to life and stops them from being dull and uninteresting. Things need to happen in your story, it needs engaging action that moves forwards and takes the readers on an exciting journey where they are always excited to see what happens next.The most interesting part of the book is usually the climax, which I find to be is somewhere between the middle and back. Books that are interesting all the way through are most preferable but traditionally when you think of the most interesting part of a book, you think of the climax.Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution.

Elements of Plot. To keep your reader engaged and interested, your story should include these plot elements: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

What does a good plot look like : It is made up of three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. But any sequence of events can't make for a good plot. A good plot pays attention to the central conflict of your story. It begins with an introduction, also called an exposition, and ends with a resolution.

What are the 7 basic plot lines : What Are The Seven Basic Plots

  • Overcoming The Monster. Your protagonist must battle a monster (or a monstrous force) that threatens, probably, more than just your protagonist's survival in scope and scale.
  • Voyage And Return.
  • Rags To Riches.
  • The Quest.
  • Comedy.
  • Tragedy.
  • Rebirth.

What are the 8 points of plot

The eight point story arc is a narrative framework made up of eight stages that should occur in a story, in a specific order, in order to create an engaging plot that feels natural yet riveting to the reader. These eight points are: stasis, trigger, quest, surprise, choice, climax, reversal, and resolution.

Climax. The climax is the peak of tension, plot, and character in your story. It's the moment that your reader has been waiting for—so make it exciting! Often, this is the point in the story that everything changes, or where your main character is forced to make a life-altering decision.Stories are about change; each scene should have a turning point, with the character moving from one value to another. Does the character start out sad They should end up angry, or happy, or downright ebullient. Each scene should push the story toward a final turning point: the resolution.

What is the most exciting part of a story : The climax is the most exciting point of the story, and is a turning point for the plot or goals of the main character. The falling action is everything that happens as a result of the climax, including wrapping-up of plot points, questions being answered, and character development.