What is the new law for German citizenship 2024?
It was published in the Bundesgesetzblatt on 26 March 2024 and will come into force on 27 June 2024. The updated law reduces the length of time required to qualify for citizenship to five years, or three in the case of those who are especially well-integrated into German society.What are the requirements for citizenship after 5 years For a Naturalization after 5 years, you need a legal proof of residence of 5 years, a signed declaration of loyalty, the language certificate B1, the naturalization test, a Clarification of identity and proof that you can support yourself and your family.eight years

To be eligible for naturalization, a person has to have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years and possess the appropriate residence permit. Foreigners who have successfully completed an integration course are eligible for naturalization after seven years.

Will Germany allow dual citizenship : On January 19th 2024, the German Bundestag passed a landmark reform to its citizenship law. The new law significantly eases the path to both naturalisation and dual citizenship in Germany. It opens up exciting new opportunities for many internationals residing in the country.

Can I get German citizenship in 3 years

With the new law, Naturalization will work after 3 years for special integration services. This renewal offers the positive aspect that you no longer have to wait so long and that you can become a German citizen early if you meet the requirements and have worked hard.

What is Germany’s new immigration law : The reworked Skilled Immigration Act, which Germany's parliament, the Bundestag, passed in the summer, aims to quickly lower the barriers to immigration of skilled workers from countries outside the European Union. Starting November 18, 2023, the new rules are coming into force in three stages.

Particularly noteworthy is the possibility of accelerated Naturalization: If you have a C1 language certificate and "special integration achievements, in particular particularly good academic, vocational or professional achievements or civic engagement", you can now apply for German citizenship after just 3 years.

If there is not one of the rare exceptions in which you become German without applying for naturalization, there are various ways to apply for Naturalization . The quickest way to Naturalization is after 3 years of legal residence.

What is the fastest way to get German citizenship

In addition to employment-based immigration, family-based immigration is another pathway to German citizenship. Marrying a German citizen or joining a spouse or partner who holds a work visa as a highly skilled individual can expedite the process. But this is only possible if you have a family member in Germany.As a rule, children born to a German and a non-German parent, or to parents with dual nationality, acquire the nationalities of both parents at birth, according to the principle of descent.A child born in Germany (on or after 1 January 2000) can acquire German nationality, even if neither of the parents is German. The only precondition is that one of the parents has been legally and habitually resident in Germany for eight years and has a permanent right of residence.

Most applicants will be eligible for citizenship after five years in Germany, instead of the current eight-year minimum stay. Accelerated naturalisation may be possible for certain individuals who can show special integration achievements in school, training or work, or particularly good language skills.

How can I get German citizenship in 3 years : How to become naturalized after 3 years. The current possibility of Naturalization after 3 years is set out in § 9 StAG. If you are married to a German citizen, you can also be naturalized early. The decisive factor is that you have been married to the German citizen for 2 years and are not separated or divorced.

Is Germany planning to grant citizenship in 3 years : The new law therefore makes it possible to become a naturalized citizen after just 5 years. Another new feature is that it is now possible to become a naturalized citizen after just 3 years, instead of the previous 6 years, if you have made special efforts to integrate.

What is the new passport law in Germany

Modernising nationality law

The bill enables naturalised citizens to hold dual citizenship and stipulates that naturalisation is possible after a minimum residence period of five years; for particularly well-integrated candidates who have shown a high level of civic engagement, this period is reduced to three years.

No fee for a citizenship through declaration (descent) application. €255 for a citizenship through naturalisation application. €51 for a citizenship through naturalisation application for a minor. €255 for a citizenship retention permit application.For such early naturalisation, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. You must have been legally residing in Germany for at least three years.
  2. You must have been married to a German citizen for at least two years.
  3. You must have a valid passport or passport substitute.
  4. You must have accommodation.

What is the new law for babies born in Germany : A child born in Germany (on or after 1 January 2000) can acquire German nationality, even if neither of the parents is German. The only precondition is that one of the parents has been legally and habitually resident in Germany for eight years and has a permanent right of residence.