What is the easiest citizenship in the EU?

Countries in Europe that are easiest to get citizenship

Portugal, Spain, and Greece offer more accessible citizenship options, especially through investment or Europe Golden Visa programs. Malta and Cyprus also have investment citizenship alternatives.Portugal

The easiest country for obtaining a residence permit in Europe is Portugal. There are options like a D7 visa for financially independent persons, a StartUp visa, a visa for retired persons, and the Golden Visa for investors.The residence permit according to §18d AufenthG entitles the holder to only undertake research activities at the research institution specified in the hosting agreement and to engage in teaching activities.

Can I work in Spain with a German Blue Card : With an EU Blue Card, you can legally work and reside in the territory of Spain until your Blue Card expires.

What is the fastest way to get EU citizenship

For third-country nationals, there are three main paths to European citizenship: descent, naturalisation and naturalisation after investing. Generally, acquiring citizenship by descent is the fastest option.

What is the hardest EU country to get citizenship in : The nations ranked fifth through ninth – Austria, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Germany – grant less than one in fifty (2%) non-EU residents citizenship. Denmark is the hardest country outside Central Europe to get citizenship, with a 2% acquisition rate.

11 Cheapest Golden Visa Programs in the EU and Caribbean

  • Malta Permanent Residence Programme — €150,000.
  • UAE Residence Visa — $204,000.
  • St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment — $250,000.
  • Greece Golden Visa — €250,000.
  • Portugal Golden Visa — €250,000.
  • Italy Golden Visa — €250,000.

What is the shortest residency for EU citizenship

  • Poland: Generally, three years of continuous legal residence, with exceptions for certain categories of applicants.
  • Portugal: five years of residency qualifies.

What is 18b in Blue Card Germany

BLUE CARD – §18b Abs.

The Blue Card is a residence permit. The EU Blue Card serves to promote the mobility of researchers within Europe. This includes third-country nationals who will enter Germany directly from a third country, and those who are already in another EU member state under an EU Blue Card.Visa for language acquisition (§16f)

Confirmation of receipt from a German state health authority is advantageous. A recognition notification is not necessary. Depending on the immigration authority proof of payment (at least for the first course) and / or an instalment payment has to be included.EU/EEA and Switzerland citizens can pack their bags and move to Spain without obtaining a Spanish visa.


The job must match your qualification (degree). If a licence to practise (regulated professions) is required, this must be in place or in prospect at the time of the visa application. Your job in Germany must enable you to earn a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (as of 2024).

Which country gives citizenship fastest : Vanuatu

Vanuatu is the fastest country to obtain citizenship, with its citizenship program. The process can be completed in as little as one month. However, it's worth noting that Argentina also has a relatively fast process, where citizenship could be granted in as short as two years.

Which EU country is most immigrant friendly : Top European Countries for Migrants: Where to Settle

  • Ireland.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Spain.
  • Iceland.
  • Finland.
  • Denmark.
  • Sweden. Sweden's progressive policies and social equality attract migrants:
  • Switzerland. Though not an EU member, Switzerland is stable and picturesque:

What is the hardest passport to get

The Hardest Countries To Get Citizenship

  • Liechtenstein.
  • Bhutan.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • Kuwait.
  • Switzerland.
  • China.
  • North Korea.
  • Japan. Japan, with one of the world's most powerful passports, maintains strict requirements for naturalization.

North Macedonia. The cheapest citizenship by investment program in Europe is North Macedonia. The landlocked Balkans country offers citizenship for investors using two different options.Portugal

The easiest place in the EU to obtain permanent residence has to be Portugal, under their Golden Visa program, which is a Permanent Residence / Citizenship by Investment program. In order to qualify, you must do one of the following in the country : Purchase a property above €500,000.

How long can you live in Europe without residency : 90 days

You can stay 90 days in any 180-day period within the Schengen area. calculated individually for each of these states. For instance, after a 90-day stay in the Schengen area, the person can immediately travel to Croatia and stay for another 90 days there. The 180-day reference period is not fixed.