What is the difference between AWS cost and usage report and AWS cost explorer?
Cost Explorer allows customers to monitor their AWS cost and usage at a resource level to identify cost drivers. Cost Explorer supports resource level data for all services at daily granularity and EC2 resource level data at hourly granularity. Customers can enable this additional data for the past 14 days.AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer has an easy-to-use interface that lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time.Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena is a serverless query service that you can use to analyze the data from your AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR) in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL. This helps you avoid having to create your own data warehouse solutions to query AWS CUR data.

What is AWS Reporting Service : AWS Marketplace produces reports for your SaaS products that include data on subscribers, financials, usage, and taxes. For more information, see Seller reports. The following table summarizes how financials for SaaS products are reported.

What is the difference between cost explorer and usage report

The biggest difference between Cost Explorer and an AWS Cost and Usage Report is that the CUR delivers more billing details. For example, including your resource IDs in the CUR improves granularity (by generating individual line items for each resource).

What is the difference between cost Explorer and cost and usage report : Cost Explorer is for detailed analysis and visual inspection of your costs and usage. Billing and Cost Management is a dashboard and primary interface for your overall AWS bill and payments. Cost and Usage Report provides granular, detailed raw data on AWS costs and usage.

AWS Cost and Usage Reports tracks your AWS usage and provides estimated charges associated with your account. Each report contains line items for each unique combination of AWS products, usage type, and operation that you use in your AWS account.

Cost Explorer helps you analyze and understand your existing AWS costs and usage. Meanwhile, the Pricing Calculator is designed to estimate the cost of AWS services for planning and budgeting before you actually use them.

Is AWS cost and usage reports free

Cost and Usage Reports are free of charge, but standard Amazon S3 rates apply.AWS Budgets' primary focus is to track current and future spending against budgeted amounts. It doesn't provide historical spending data, as it's not its primary function. In contrast, Cost Explorer is designed to showcase historical data.