What is the correct version of the Lord's prayer?
Regarding the presence of the two versions, some have suggested that both were original, the Matthean version spoken by Jesus early in his ministry in Galilee, and the Lucan version one year later, "very likely in Judea".Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.It appears in two forms in the New Testament: the shorter version in the Gospel According to Luke (11:2–4) and the longer version, part of the Sermon on the Mount, in the Gospel According to Matthew (6:9–13).

Why is the Catholic version of the Lord’s prayer different : Both the Catholics and the Protestants take the prayer from the Matthean version, because the Lucan version is a shorter one. The reason for this could be that Jesus taught the prayer at different times for a different audience.

Why did they change the Lord’s prayer

Instead of saying "lead us not into temptation", it will now say "do not let us fall into temptation". The changes to the prayer were made to remove the implication that God might lead people into temptation.

What version of the Lord’s prayer used trespasses : “Forgive us our trespasses” comes from the Book of Common Prayer, which is why many people use the word trespasses. The Geneva Bible and the King James Bible used the word debts. If you know your church history, you know that the Book of Common Prayer was and is still used by the Anglican Church.

It's impossible to exhaust all the meaning in the prayer. But say it, if you can, every day of your life to remember your identity, to find courage, to learn contentment, to live with your imperfections and those of other people, to build resilience and to understand the end of the story.

Adoration: Give God praise and honor for who he is as Lord over all. Confession: Honestly deal with the sin in your prayer life. Thanksgiving: Verbalize what you're grateful for in your life and in the world around you. Supplication: Pray for the needs of others and yourself.

Why are there two endings to the Lord’s prayer

As a result, Catholics living in the eastern half of the Roman Empire usually added the doxology while those in the western half believed the “Our Father” as said during today's Mass was sufficient. When scholars decided on the final written version, they chose to omit it.As a result, Catholics living in the eastern half of the Roman Empire usually added the doxology while those in the western half believed the “Our Father” as said during today's Mass was sufficient. When scholars decided on the final written version, they chose to omit it.And while it's true that different versions of this prayer are already in use in different denominations, Pope Francis has now approved a rewording of the prayer for the Catholic church. Instead of lead us not into temptation, it will now say, do not let us fall into temptation.

Now Pope Francis has risked the wrath of traditionalists by approving a change to the wording of the Lord's Prayer. Instead of saying “lead us not into temptation”, it will say “do not let us fall into temptation”. The new wording was approved by the general assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Italy last month.

Did Catholics change the Lord’s prayer : It's the Lord's Prayer, and it is a customary feature of church services around the world. And while it's true that different versions of this prayer are already in use in different denominations, Pope Francis has now approved a rewording of the prayer for the Catholic church.

Why do some say debts instead of trespasses : The words mean roughly the same thing. But they don't mean exactly the same thing. The word trespass suggests that we have violated a rule or committed an infraction. The word debt suggests we owe God something we cannot pay.

Why do we use trespasses instead of debts

Some prefer the reference to “debts”, and consider that more easily understood, while others feel that the use of the word “ trespasses” more accurately conveys that we seek forgiveness, and should forgive, all transgressions, and not just those of a financial nature.

First, prayer should ordinarily be directed to God the Father. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matt. 6:9). The Father sent His Son into the world to redeem sinners and to reconcile us to Him (John 3:16; 2 Cor.Pray it three times a day. That's all you need. The next few generations of pastors and teachers say much the same thing — though thankfully, they have more to say about why the Lord's Prayer might be all you need. One common theme in the early centuries of the Church was comprehensiveness of the Lord's Prayer.

Who wrote the Lord’s prayer : The Lord's Prayer in the Gospels

After the Disciples had come to Jesus to learn how to pray, He taught them The Lord's Prayer, that was transcribed by Saint Matthew during the occasion. The Lord's Prayer is also recorded in The Gospel of Saint Luke, one of the four Evangelists.