What is the capital of South Africa?
South Africa has three branches of government and a capital city for each. Theadministrative capital of South Africa is Pretoria, the legislative capital is Cape Town,and the judicial capital is Bloemfontein. Other large cities in South Africa are Durban,Johannesburg, and Port Elizabeth.South Africa is fairly unique compared with other countries, as it boasts three capital cities instead of just one. The reason for the three cities is that there is one for each branch of the government in the country. The government is divided into three different branches, the legislative, executive and judicial.Johannesburg was not chosen as a national capital of any category. Even as a very productive city, it was viewed as tainted by an imperialist bias. It had been part of the older South African Republic and in the 1910-1994 Transvaal Province.

Does South Africa have 2 capitals : South Africa is the only country that has three capital cities, namely, Pretoria as the administrative and the executive capital, Cape Town as the legislative capital and Bloemfontein as its judicial capital.

Is Johannesburg a capital city

It is the provincial capital and largest city of Gauteng, which is the wealthiest province in South Africa. Johannesburg is the seat of the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa.

Did Johannesburg used to be a capital : Johannesburg has never been a national capital city. Historically, Pretoria was the capital of the Transvaal, and before that, the South African Republic. Since 1994, however, it has been the capital of the province of Gauteng.

However, there's only one nation in the world that has three capitals. Yes, you read that right! It's none other than the Republic of South Africa. Its three capitals are at Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein.

Sri Lanka has two capitals: Colombo and Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. The coastal city of Colombo is the country's executive and judicial capital as well as its largest city and financial center. Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is Sri Lanka's legislative capital and home to the Sri Lankan Parliament Building.

Does South Africa really have 3 capitals

Pretoria is the administrative capital, while Cape Town, as the seat of Parliament, is the legislative capital. Bloemfontein has traditionally been regarded as the judicial capital. While the Constitutional Court, the country's highest court, is located in Johannesburg.In 1910, when the Union of South Africa was formed, there was a great dispute about the location of the new country's capital city. A compromise was reached to spread a balance of power throughout the country and this led to the current capital cities.The settlement was named after two officials of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR), Christiaan Johannes Joubert and Johannes Rissik, who both worked in land surveying and mapping. The two men combined the name they shared, adding 'burg', the archaic Afrikaans word for 'fortified city'.


Johannesburg is called eGoli, literally meaning "the place of gold." Durban is called eThekwini, which translates as "In the Bay" (although some controversy was caused when several eminent Zulu linguists claimed that the name actually means "the one-testicled one" referring to the shape of the bay).

Is Johannesburg or Pretoria the capital : Pretoria is the administrative capital, while Cape Town, as the seat of Parliament, is the legislative capital.

Does South Africa have 3 capitals : However, there's only one nation in the world that has three capitals. Yes, you read that right! It's none other than the Republic of South Africa. Its three capitals are at Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein.

What countries have 4 capitals

Bolivia is the country that has four capitals. The constitutional capital of Bolivia is Sucre, where the country's judiciary is located. However, the seat of government and executive capital is La Paz. In addition to these two capitals, Bolivia also recognizes two other capitals: Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Cochabamba.

Bolivia is the country that has four capitals. The constitutional capital of Bolivia is Sucre, where the country's judiciary is located. However, the seat of government and executive capital is La Paz. In addition to these two capitals, Bolivia also recognizes two other capitals: Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Cochabamba.The correct answer is South Africa. South Africa has three capitals viz. Administrative, Legislative, and Judicial. Cape Town, as the seat of Parliament. is the legislative capital.

Is Johannesburg a capital or city : It is the provincial capital and largest city of Gauteng, which is the wealthiest province in South Africa. Johannesburg is the seat of the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa.