What happened to Anduin in Shadowlands?
The war ended with Sylvanas abandoning the Horde, but she subsequently tore open a gateway into the Shadowlands, the realm of death, and her allies brought Anduin and other leaders of Azeroth into captivity in the Maw.Near the final battle against Zovaal, Anduin manages to break free from the Domination, but is left mentally and emotionally damaged due to his actions while under the Jailer's control. While not an active participant in Dragonflight, Anduin is heard to be roaming Azeroth in solitude to heal his damaged mental state.Jailer created a weapon called Kingsmourn and used it to take control Anduin's body and then sent him to assassinate Kyrestia the Firstborne (Leader of the Kyrians – one of the factions in Shadowlands).

What happened to Anduin and Sylvanas : In Shadowlands, Anduin was captured and taken into the Maw, a space beyond death where he was tortured by Sylvanas and the Maw's ruler, the Jailer. His will was ultimately dominated by the Jailer, who used him to attack the Shadowlands' Archon and attempt to remake reality in the Jailer's image.

Who killed Anduin

In the original lore, Anduin Lothar and his soldiers were ambushed by forest trolls, ogres, and orcs near Blackrock and killed, with Turalyon being the sole survivor. This was later retconned into dying in a duel against Orgrim Doomhammer.

Can you find Anduin in Dragonflight : Dragonflight takes place 3 years after the end of Shadowlands, and Anduin has yet to reappear (Though Genn keeps responding to purported sightings of the King). In the interim, the Kingdom of Stormwind is lead by Turalyon, as regent.

As was already revealed at BlizzCon, Anduin returns in The War Within opening cinematic, still struggling to come to grips with his past actions when confronted by Thrall, both of whom have been drawn by the Sword of Sargeras by the calls of the World Soul deep within Azeroth.

Blizz has already told us canonically (at least until they retcon it) how long expansions and the time between them is. So as it stands Anduin is 25 at the start of DF, since he is stated to be 18 after we're done with the Argus Campaign.

Is Anduin a Paladin now

Canonically Anduin is a Priest, but like most faction leader-tier NPCs in WoW, he can assume the mantle of many classes at once as the plot demands. In that regard, he's equal parts Priest and Paladin with a dash of Warrior thrown in for good measure.Dragonflight takes place 3 years after the end of Shadowlands, and Anduin has yet to reappear (Though Genn keeps responding to purported sightings of the King). In the interim, the Kingdom of Stormwind is lead by Turalyon, as regent.Anduin was 19-20 during Shadowlands. By the end of it he chose to run away over some very poorly written reasons, but whatever, he's still a "kid", you can justify it as him being stupid and overburdened.

5. With Dragonflight Patch 10.2. 5 now live, it appears that other events are unfolding across the world of Azeroth, as Mathias Shaw informs us that Anduin has been spotted in Kalimdor, likely setting up events leading up to The War Within!

How old was Anduin when Varian died : Biography. The son of King Varian Wrynn, ten-year-old Anduin was given the crown to maintain order when Varian disappeared en route to a diplomatic conference at Theramore Isle; however, real power resided in the hands of Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, the Regent of Stormwind, and Lady Katrana Prestor, the Royal Advisor.

Who killed Anduin Lothar : Amid the chaos, he was forced into combat with Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Horde; after a long and draining fight, Lothar was defeated in single combat after his sword was shattered by the Doomhammer, his skull crushed by a powerful blow from the legendary weapon.

Does Anduin return in Dragonflight

As was already revealed at BlizzCon, Anduin returns in The War Within opening cinematic, still struggling to come to grips with his past actions when confronted by Thrall, both of whom have been drawn by the Sword of Sargeras by the calls of the World Soul deep within Azeroth.

5. With Dragonflight Patch 10.2. 5 now live, it appears that other events are unfolding across the world of Azeroth, as Mathias Shaw informs us that Anduin has been spotted in Kalimdor, likely setting up events leading up to The War Within!Cally Lothar was the wife of Anduin Lothar, who died in Stormwind barracks living quarters while giving birth to their son, Callan during the reign of King Wrynn.

Is Anduin a death Knight : He's a Death Knight. The runes on Anduins armor look like they have something to do with his domination.