Is Threads still growing?
Threads currently has 130 million monthly active users.Threads took off to buoyant fanfare in July 2023, breaching the 10 million downloads threshold within a record seven hours of its launch. But the hype evaporated quickly. Six weeks after its launch, users were spending a paltry average of 2.4 minutes on the app daily, and the daily active user count was down 80%.Audience: Threads is only visible to followers, while Twitter posts are visible to anyone who follows you or searches for your username. Video length: Threads users can post videos that are up to 5 minutes long, while Twitter users can only post videos that are up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds long.

What are Threads in social media : A thread is a series of replies or comments on a social media post, typically focussing on a particular topic or idea, resulting in a structured conversation.

Is Threads still popular 2024

All in all, Threads has not become the hit that Mosseri and Zuck once hoped it would become, but there's still a chance for growth with the continued updates the platform keeps pushing.

Is Threads any good 2024 : This user base skyrocketed to 70 million in less than two days. As of February 2024, the microblogging platform has earned over 160 million downloads. Threads has enjoyed a remarkable launch. However, the question remains: will its momentum sustain beyond the initial craze surrounding this fresh social media platform

Beyond rising up the ranks for downloads, Threads also saw an end-of-year resurgence in the number of actual users. Discussing Meta's fourth-quarter results for 2023, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that Threads has been growing steadily with more than 130 million monthly active users.

The primary difference between Threads and regular tweets lies in their structure and length. A standard tweet on Twitter is limited to 280 characters, while a Thread allows users to connect multiple tweets into a cohesive narrative, breaking the character limit barrier.

What is happening with Threads

One of the main reasons why users stopped using Threads is that it does not allow searches or indexing of conversations, making it a substitute for the conversational part of Twitter, but not for the informative or current events tracking part.Instagram discontinued this version of Threads in December 2021, mainly due to most of its features being rolled out on Instagram, as well as low usage compared to other social media applications.Discussing Meta's fourth-quarter results for 2023, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that Threads has been growing steadily with more than 130 million monthly active users.

Instagram discontinued this version of Threads in December 2021, mainly due to most of its features being rolled out on Instagram, as well as low usage compared to other social media applications.

Is threads making a comeback : It revealed that Threads' daily downloads, which had been hovering around 350,000, have seen significant growth since Thanksgiving, reaching 620,000 daily downloads. This surge in downloads signifies a renewed interest in the platform, and it's translating into increased engagement.

Is threads any good 2024 : This user base skyrocketed to 70 million in less than two days. As of February 2024, the microblogging platform has earned over 160 million downloads. Threads has enjoyed a remarkable launch. However, the question remains: will its momentum sustain beyond the initial craze surrounding this fresh social media platform

How popular is threads 2024

In March 2024, Threads generated around 28 million downloads worldwide. Meta Platforms released its X competitor Threads in July 2023. The app generated about 73 million app downloads within the first month of release.

Meta's July launch of Threads was seen as a potential Twitter killer by some, but the data show it remains a dud. Threads has climbed the App Store lately, but after commanding more than 20 minutes of daily use from X users at launch, it's fallen to below five minutes from that group today.No, Twitter is not likely to end with the introduction of threads.

Are people still using Threads 2024 : Threads Users

Threads hit 130 million active users in 2024, after a steep decline in activity following its launch.