Is Ezra the father of Alison's baby?

Wren is the father.

In the series finale, it was revealed that Wren is the father — but Emily and Alison don't appear to know that information.The Car Ride With Ezra Fitz

Before he dated Aria, he dated Ali, who was also underage at the time (not OK). After her meeting with Toby, Ali got in Ezra's car, and the two had a fight. He accused her of lying about her age (which she had done), and he subsequently broke up with her.Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists

After the second episode it was revealed that Aria and Ezra adopted a baby girl who they named Katherine Ella. It was also revealed that Aria's first book will turn into a movie which will feature Reese Witherspoon.

Is Ezra on the A team : We repeat: Ezra is not "A"— nor has he ever been a member of the A-Team. Instead, Aria discovered (while stuck on a chairlift!) that her dearly-beloved beau has been spying on our foursome since the very beginning of the series.

Who was Alison pregnant by

Alison later reveals to Emily that she is pregnant, believing it to be hers and Archer's. She discovered that she was in fact impregnated at Whelby by A.D. with Emily's eggs and a then unknown man (Wren Kingston)'s sperm, during her turn at the "Liars' Lament" board game.

Did Alison sleep with Scotty : So when did Scotty and Alison have their tryst Well, it had to be in the six weeks she didn't see Noah. Regardless, the huge revelation is just another reason someone could've killed Scotty.

Ali, who is 14(ish) at the time, seduces Ezra, who is a college student. Despite lying about her age, she soon gets found out and the two break up right before Ali is buried alive by her own mother. Memories! Before there was Ezra, Noel was the (age-appropriate) boy Aria was into.

The main characters sometimes dated older guys, especially Ali, who also had a fling with Ezra before Aria even knew him.

How old was Aria when she slept with Ezra

Aria was 16 when they met in the bar and according to various sources they didn't do the deed until 2×23 so presumably she was at least 17 by then. What is the age of consent in Pennsylvania Here in the UK it is 16.16 years old

How old was Aria when she met Ezra The two lovers met in a bar when Aria pretended to be older than 21 resulting in them hooking up in the bathroom. So in conclusion, Aria was 16 years old when she met and dated Ezra.Alison tells Aria she thinks Ezra was following 'A', and 'A' was following the Liars. Alison tells her that the only reason Ezra was looking for Alison was to win back Aria, but Aria doesn't want to talk about him since he may not even be alive.

Despite serving as one of the main antagonists of the fourth season, Ezra is an anti-villain, as he was only stalking the girls for his book. Having said that, fans (and even the Liars) suspected that he was A due to his actions in Season 4B, even though he was in no way associated with A.

Who did Ezra get pregnant : Maggie Cutler was Ezra's ex-girlfriend whom became pregnant the summer after high school graduation.

How is Ezra connected to Alison : It was revealed in "Free Fall" that he had a brief relationship with Alison DiLaurentis and has been tracking her and The Liars in order to write a "true crime novel" and figure out who 'A' is. A heartbroken Aria then cuts all ties with him, despite Ezra's protests that he loves her.

Do Noah and Alison break up

They head back to Montauk, at peace on the boat. Once back at Alison's Noah signs the divorce papers—this viewer crying out “Nooo, you fools, you've finally worked out why you're such a great couple, find a way to make this work.” Noah's two farewell kisses were tender and chaste, on Alison's cheek and her forehead.


He had previously hooked up with and romanced Aria's friend, 15-year-old Ali (Sasha Pieterse), until the night she disappeared. As if that wasn't bad enough, he was also using Aria as material for his book on Ali, hoping for the next Gone Girl-esque best-seller.Aria and Ezra

Out of all the inappropriate relationships that occurred in Rosewood, Aria and Ezra's romance took the cake. The list of why this is a bad — and illegal — pairing are endless, starting with Aria and Ezra's meeting in the pilot when they were 16 and 24, respectively.

Did Ezra sleep with Allison : The main characters are in their later high school years, and the series is set in Pennsylvania where the real-life age of consent is 16. Ezra and Alison “didn't do anything,” and in fact she lied about her age when they first met at a bar; he dumped her when he found she wasn't 21.