Is AWS certification hard or easy?
Let's be clear: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate is not an easy exam. It is not a test where you can simply buy a stack of practice exams, run through them over and over, and expect to pass. The exam is very scenario-focused.We recommend six months to two years of hands-on experience using AWS. We also offer training and materials to help you prepare. How can I know which services and features are covered in an exam AWS Certification does not publish a list of all services and/or features that are covered in a certification exam.AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP)

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) is the easiest Amazon Web Services certification.

What is the pass rate for AWS certification : around 70%

However, according to recent statistics, the overall pass rate for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam is around 70%. This means that out of every 10 people who take the exam, 7 are able to pass and become certified AWS professionals.

How hard is AWS for beginners

Anyone Can Learn AWS from Scratch

With the right training resources and commitment, AWS is easy to learn. You don't need coding skills or a strong IT background to get started with AWS training. With a solid knowledge of the AWS Cloud, you can become AWS certified in no time.

How many people fail AWS exams : According to the statistics, given by CertWizard, at most 28% of the AWS SAA-C03 candidates are successful at the first attempt, which leaves a 72% of failure rate [1]. Still, AWS Certificate is a valuable key, that allows you to reach the next level, both in development and knowledge.

While achieving complete mastery of AWS in such a short time may be challenging for beginners, gaining a strong foundation and practical skills in AWS within three months is entirely feasible, especially with the right resources and support.

One of the first questions that most customers have when working with AWS is, “Does AWS require coding” The answer is no. Many simple operations may be accomplished without coding; therefore, using AWS does not require coding knowledge.

How many people fail AWS certification

The failure rate of the SAA-C03 exam is well above 72%.

Less than 28% of the candidates who take the AWS Solutions Architect exam manage to clear it on the first attempt. This is a daunting number.For beginners, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a good starting point. For roles involving solution architecture, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is popular. Other certifications like Developer, SysOps Administrator, and Specialty certifications cater to specific roles and interests.AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty (ANS-C01)

This is the toughest AWS certification path out of all the 12 certifications. We have noted many of our Whizlabs users find it very difficult to pass this certification exam without a good amount of practice and experience in the networking concepts.

You just need to learn how to run the Amazon platform. I would suggest you take the AWS foundational certification for learning the AWS basics. If you have experience, then you do not need to take the AWS exam. For a newbie, it would hardly take 1 week to prepare AWS basics.

What is the minimum score to pass the AWS exam : 720

The passing standard reported for scaled scores always will remain the same. The passing standard is represented by a scaled score of 700 for Foundational-level exams, 720 for Associate-level exams, and 750 for Professional-level and Specialty exams.

Do you need Python for AWS : Both Java and Python are widely used across AWS applications, so whichever one you choose to focus on, you'll be in for the win.

Do we need Python for AWS

The AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) enables you to use Python code to interact with AWS services like Amazon S3. For example, you can use the SDK to create an Amazon S3 bucket, list your available buckets, and then delete the bucket you just created.

The bar to entry is high for a reason! AWS only wants the best of the best, and it takes an exceptional level of ability, as well as preparation to land a job inside of AWS.If you fail an exam, you must wait 14 calendar days before you are eligible to retake the exam. There is no limit on exam attempts. However, you must pay the full registration fee for each exam attempt. Once you have passed an exam, you will not be able to retake the same exam for two years.

Can I self study AWS : AWS Skill Builder self-paced labs

Practice AWS Cloud skills in a live sandbox environment with AWS Builder Labs. Self-paced guided labs are interactive exercises with step-by-step instructions to help you learn cloud skills.