How to ORDER BY 2 values in SQL?
You can also ORDER BY two or more columns, which creates a nested sort . The default is still ascending, and the column that is listed first in the ORDER BY clause takes precedence.After the ORDER BY keyword, add the name of the column by which you'd like to sort records first (in our example, salary). Then, after a comma, add the second column (in our example, last_name ). You can modify the sorting order (ascending or descending) separately for each column.You can specify the sorting order by adding ASC for ascending or DESC for descending order after each column. For example: SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column1 ASC, column2 DESC; This query sorts the results by column1 in ascending order and column2 in descending order.

How to order SQL with specific values : SQL ORDER BY Keyword

  1. The SQL ORDER BY. The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order.
  2. DESC. The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default.
  3. Order Alphabetically.
  4. Alphabetically DESC.
  5. ORDER BY Several Columns.
  6. Using Both ASC and DESC.

How to ORDER BY and limit in SQL

How ORDER BY and LIMIT go together. Being able to order the result rows is particularly useful when using LIMIT , as it allows us to quickly return just the "top 3" or "bottom 10" of the results. The ORDER BY clause goes after the FROM clause but before the LIMIT .

How to use multiple ORDER BY in MySQL : ORDER BY with multiple columns example

The query syntax will then include the list of columns separated by commas in ORDER BY: ORDER BY column1, column2; We want to sort results using the “MySQL ORDER BY two columns” scenario. The system will sort the results by column1, then by column2, all in ascending order.

In this article, we will be using the Microsoft SQL Server. Multiple Joins : Here we are going to implement the concept of multiple joins. Multiple joins can be described as a query containing joins of the same or different types used more than once, thus giving them the ability to combine multiple tables.

For example, ORDER BY 3 specifies that you want the results ordered by the third column of the results table, as specified by the select-list. Use a number to order the rows of the results table when the sequencing value is not a named column.

What is ORDER BY 2 3 in SQL

When using ORDER BY 1, 2, 3 , we're instructing the database to sort the results based on the first, second, and third columns in the SELECT list. ORDER BY 2 DESC , 3 DESC , 1 ASC ; Now, we're instructing the database to group the results based on the second, third, and first column in the SELECT list.ORDER BY 1; By specifying ORDER BY 1 , we're instructing the database to sort the results based on the first column in the SELECT list, which is title in this case.If the LIMIT clause follows the ORDER BY clause, the rows returned are classified by ORDER BY. Since query results are not usually returned in a specific order, ORDER BY may only be useful for queries that return a subset of the qualified rows by restricting the order of rows.

Simply include the function in your SELECT statement together with the columns you want to group by, if you want to use an aggregate function, with GROUP BY multiple columns. Each set of rows with the same combination of values in the grouping columns will have the function applied to them.

How do I sort by last 3 characters in SQL : SELECT *FROM yourTableName ORDER BY RIGHT(yourColumnName,3) yourSortingOrder; Just replace the 'yourSortingOrder' to ASC or DESC to set the ascending or descending order respectively. Here is the query to order by last 3 chars.

How do I SELECT multiple values in one column in SQL : To search for multiple values in a specific column in an SQL server, you can use the IN operator in your SELECT statement. The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause.

How do I join multiple values in one column in SQL

Multiple values can be added in one column in SQL by using the INSERT statement with the VALUES keyword. This allows for multiple sets of values to be specified and inserted into the specified column. Another way is to use the UNION operator, which combines the results of multiple SELECT statements into one result set.

You also may notice that the number 4 is specified in the order by clause. The number 4 specifies the position of the columns in the SQL query. In this case, position of BusinessEntityID is 1, FirstName is 2, MiddleName is 3 and LastName is 4.Instead of naming the columns to order the results, you can use a number. For example, ORDER BY 3 specifies that you want the results ordered by the third column of the results table, as specified by the select-list. Use a number to order the rows of the results table when the sequencing value is not a named column.

Can I use ORDER BY for more than one column : The ORDER BY clause applies to the final result set from the FULLSELECT statement. You can sort on either a single column or multiple columns. To sort on columns in a FULLSELECT statement that have the same ordinal value but are in different subordinate SELECT statements, the columns must have the same name.