How do I run a container registry?
Open the Docker Explorer, select Connect Registry… icon under the Registries group, and follow the prompt. Choose the provider (for example, Azure or Docker Hub) and provide the credential to connect to the registry. If prompted, install the Azure Resources extension.A container registry, on the other hand, is a specific location for storing container images. In a sense, you can think of it as a type of repository—but crucially, it may include one or more discrete repositories for those images, in the same way that a library may include multiple separate collections.Common Operations Using DockerHub

  1. Login to DockerHub: Running docker login will ask for your DockerHub ID and password.
  2. Searching for an image in a public repository: Use the docker search command with a search term to find all images in public (including official) repositories that match that term.

How do I choose a container registry : Some important things to to consider when choosing a private container registry service for your enterprise include:

  1. Support for multiple authentication systems.
  2. Role-based access control management (RBAC) for local images.
  3. Vulnerability scanning capabilities for enhanced security and configuration.

How to login to Docker registry container

docker login requires you to use sudo or be root , except when: Connecting to a remote daemon, such as a docker-machine provisioned docker engine . The user is added to the docker group. This will impact the security of your system; the docker group is root equivalent.

How to login to Docker registry : Logging Into Private Registries

Docker Hub is always used when no argument is given. Username: Password: You can still use the –username , –password , and –password-stdin flags when working with custom registries.

While a container repository is a collection of related container images that manage, pull and push images, a container registry is a collection of repositories that store container images.

Examples include Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, and Azure.

How do I access Docker registry

Sign in to Docker Hub . Select Organizations, your organization, then in the Access management menu, select Registry access.Configure credential helpers

  1. Login to a self-hosted registry.
  2. Provide a password using STDIN (–password-stdin)
  3. Privileged user requirement.
  4. Credential stores.
  5. Configure the credential store.
  6. Default behavior.
  7. Credential helper protocol.
  8. Credential helpers.

The registry URL is usually followed by the user or organization ID, the repository name, the image name and the tag: <registry>/<user>/<repository>/<image>:<tag> . Docker is the most popular virtualization environment to deliver software in containers.

Options. [OPTIONS] let you configure options for the container. For example, you can give the container a name ( –name ), or run it as a background process ( -d ). You can also set options to control things like resource constraints and networking.

How do I start a docker container : To run your image as a container:

  1. In Docker Desktop, go to the Images tab.
  2. Next to your image, select Run.
  3. Expand the Optional settings.
  4. In Host port, specify 8089 .
  5. Select Run.

How to run docker container command : A docker run command takes the following form: $ docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG|@DIGEST] [COMMAND] [ARG…] The docker run command must specify an image reference to create the container from.

What is the default docker registry URL is the URL for a so called Docker registry. In this case, it refers to the default registry, Docker Hub, applied when you don't specify a registry URL as part of the pull command. Docker Hub is a service provided by Docker for finding and sharing container images.

Docker Hub is a container registry built for developers and open source contributors to find, use, and share their container images.Whereas az container create actually creates a running instance of your container or container group. So the container service will persist for as long as you expect it to run. The container registry is more a repository for your container images rather than a place where they are run and provided as a service.

How do I check docker registry status : Before taking any further steps, I'd recommend checking the status of the Docker registry to see if there are any known issues or scheduled maintenance. You can do this by visiting the Docker status page at