How do I monitor container status?
Container monitoring solutions use metric capture, analytics, transaction tracing and visualization. Container monitoring covers basic metrics like memory utilization, CPU usage, CPU limit and memory limit. Container monitoring also offers the real-time streaming logs, tracing and observability that containers need.The command docker ps shows the table which contains all the information of the running containers. You can combine the docker ps command with the grep keyword to check the status of a specific container by its name or ID. There will be no record if the container is not running.The docker stats command

docker stats is a simple built-in command used in the Docker command-line interface (CLI) to view real-time performance and resource usage statistics for all running containers. To use the command, Docker must first be installed on the host system.

How to check performance of docker container : You can use the docker stats command to live stream a container's runtime metrics. The command supports CPU, memory usage, memory limit, and network IO metrics.

How do I monitor containers in Kubernetes

Top 5 Kubernetes Monitoring Tools

  1. Kubernetes Dashboard.
  2. Prometheus.
  3. Grafana.
  4. EFK Stack.
  5. LOKI.
  6. Monitor Kubernetes Metrics Using a Single Pane of Glass.
  7. Ensure Monitoring Systems are Scalable and Have Sufficient Data Retention.
  8. Ensure You Generate the Alerts and Deliver them to the Most Appropriate Staff Members.

How do you monitor container resources : cAdvisor

cAdvisor is useful for monitoring resource isolation parameters, historical resource usage, and generating historical data histograms. This data is stored globally for each container for easy analysis of historical performance. The cAdvisor build is provided as an image that can be installed on a Docker host.

Accessing the Docker containers

  1. Obtain the container ID by running the following command: docker ps. An output similar to the following one is returned: CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES …….. …….
  2. Access the Docker container by running the following command: docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash. Where container_id.

One way to attach to a running Docker container is by using the docker attach command. This command will attach the container's standard input, output, and error streams to your local terminal.

How do you monitor container health

Using the HEALTHCHECK instruction in a Dockerfile

The result of this command will determine whether the container is healthy or not. The CMD keyword is followed by the command to be executed. If the command exits with a 0 status, the container is considered healthy.Here are the best Docker monitoring tools you should consider using for better operational insights into container deployments.

  1. Sematext.
  2. Dynatrace.
  3. Datadog.
  4. Prometheus & Grafana.
  5. Elasticsearch & Kibana.
  6. SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor.
  7. AppOptics Docker Monitoring with APM.
  8. cAdvisor.

Docker provides two types of log commands to view logs. The docker logs command shows the log messages generated inside the container, while the docker service logs command shows the logs generated by a service within the container.

Monitoring with Kubernetes Dashboard

This can be useful for visualizing the state of your cluster and quickly identifying any issues. Select Workloads > Pods from the navigation bar to view essential information about your pods, including their status.

How do I monitor container logs : Here are some of the most common techniques for collecting logs from containerized environments.

  1. Logging via Docker Logging Drivers.
  2. Direct vs. Non-blocking Log Delivery.
  3. Logging via the Application.
  4. Persisting Logs Using Data Volumes.
  5. Using a Dedicated Logging Container.

How do I connect to a running container : Attaching to a running Docker container

One way to attach to a running Docker container is by using the docker attach command. This command will attach the container's standard input, output, and error streams to your local terminal.

How do I check container logs

Docker provides two types of log commands to view logs. The docker logs command shows the log messages generated inside the container, while the docker service logs command shows the logs generated by a service within the container.

1 Check container status

The first step to troubleshoot network connectivity issues in a Docker container is to check the status of the container. You can use the docker ps command to list all the running containers and their details, such as name, ID, image, ports, and networks.docker ps -a command to list all containers, including the stopped ones:​ If you want to see all containers, add a keyword with the 'docker ps' command, i.e., '-a'. This command will show you all containers, whether they are running, restarting, paused, or stopped.

What is container health check : The health check is designed to make sure that your containers survive agent restarts, upgrades, or temporary unavailability. Amazon ECS performs health checks on containers with the default that launched the container instance or the task.