How do I change the origin of a git repository?
To change the remote origin URL, use the git remote set-url command, followed by the remote name (usually "origin") and the new URL. Depending on your preferences and access to the remote repository, you can choose between using an HTTPS URL or an SSH URL.To change the location of the Git folder, you can use the git –git-dir option. This option allows you to specify the path to the Git repository you want to use.How to use Git's remote add origin command

  1. Use git init to create a new local repository.
  2. Add files and perform a git commit .
  3. Obtain the Git URL of the remote repo.
  4. Issue the git remote add origin command.
  5. Use the git push command to upload your files.

How to change a git repository : Navigate to the Project Settings page for that project. On the Configuration tab of the Project Settings page, select the Reset Git Connection button. On the Configure Git page, enter the new Git URL (the Git URL for the repository to which you want to migrate), and then select Continue.

How to remove the git remote origin and add new remote origin

  1. git remote remove. git remote remove command followed by the name of the remote origin you wish to remove.
  2. git remote -v. command again to check the updated list of remote origins.
  3. git remote rename. git remote rename command.
  4. git remote set-url. git remote set-url command.
  5. git remote add. git remote add command.

How to remove already existing remote origin from git : If origin exists, you can do one of the following:

  1. remove origin from the remote list via remove command, like so: git remote remove origin.
  2. update origin pointing URL with set-url , like so: git remote set-url origin [new-url]

If the project has been initialised as a git repo, then there will be a folder called . git in the root (ie the folder that contains everything).

To change this current working directory, you can use the "cd" command (where "cd" stands for "change directory"). For example, to move one directory upwards (into the current folder's parent folder), you can just call: $ cd ..

What is the difference between git remote and origin

Remote is the copy at the remote location of that branch you'd want to check, eg comparing master remote branch versus the local master branch copy of your branch. Origin is the location indicator of where that “remote” location actually is. For example if we run a command: git push origin.To obtain the URL of this remote, we can use the following command:

  1. git ls-remote –get-url origin. To obtain more information about the remote repository, such as its branches, we can run the following command:
  2. git remote show origin.
  3. git remote -v.

Use the git reset –hard command followed by the name of your remote repository (usually 'origin') and your branch name. This command resets your local branch to match the remote branch exactly, discarding any commits on your local branch that aren't on the remote branch.

How to reset a Git branch to a remote repository

  1. Save the state of your current branch in another branch, named my-backup ,in case something goes wrong: git commit -a -m "Backup." git branch my-backup.
  2. Fetch the remote branch and set your branch to match it: git fetch origin. git reset –hard origin/master.

How do I find the root directory of a Git repository : The –show-toplevel option displays the root directory of your current Git repository. This is the place where it all starts, at least for Git. In a similar way, you can get a pointer to what makes that directory the top level: the hidden .

What is repository root : Strictly speaking, the term repository refers to the directory named . hg (dot hg) in the repository root directory. The repository root directory is the parent directory of the . hg directory.

Is Origin a remote repository

In Git, "origin" is a shorthand name for the remote repository that a project was originally cloned from. More precisely, it is used instead of that original repository's URL – and thereby makes referencing much easier. Note that origin is by no means a "magical" name, but just a standard convention.

remote , in git -speak, refers to any remote repository, such as your GitHub or another git server. origin is the, by convention, default remote name in git . When you do a git clone <url> , <url> is automatically added to your local repo under the name origin .To locate the system root directory:

Press and hold the Windows key, then press the letter 'R'.

How do I find the root directory path : Type “echo %SYSTEMROOT%" at the command prompt and press “Enter.” The result of this search is the root folder for Microsoft Windows.