Do choices matter in the Devil in Me?
How To Finish The Devil in Me with Everyone Alive

  1. Make the Most of QTE. Quick-time events are key to raising the chances of keeping everyone alive.
  2. Hide in the Cupboard in the Silver Ash Institute.
  3. Choose to Kill Kate.
  4. Pass Those QTEs & Get to the Roof To Save Jamie.
  5. Don't Fall Into the Killer's Trap & Trust Charlie.

The Devil in Me follows five main protagonists, who are lured to and trapped in a replica of the "Murder Castle". The protagonists are members of a documentary film crew.This final section has a lot of sudden QTEs, and failing them can easily result in characters getting killed right at the final hurdle. The best way to have everyone survive is beating the first QTE with Charlie, then ensuring all other members jump off the boat when given the opportunity.

How many endings does The Devil in Me have : Unlike some of Supermassive's previous horror games, The Devil in Me branches into two distinct paths toward its conclusion. Depending on the choices players make and the characters that are alive towards the end of the game, the action will end up in one of two locations.

Who is the best character in The Devil in Me

Every Playable Character In The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me,

  • 4 Jamie. Jamie is one of the younger members of the crew, and it doesn't take long for her immaturity and stubbornness to rise to the surface.
  • 3 Kate.
  • 2 Erin.
  • 1 Mark.

How many endings does Devil in Me have : Unlike some of Supermassive's previous horror games, The Devil in Me branches into two distinct paths toward its conclusion. Depending on the choices players make and the characters that are alive towards the end of the game, the action will end up in one of two locations.

Players can choose to have Kate save Jamie or run and save herself. They should choose to save Jamie, because mere moments later, Jamie will turn around and save Kate, and the two will escape into the nearby maze together.

5 There Are Most Likely Two Killers. Throughout the whole six hours of The Devil in Me, Du'Met always seems to be wherever the players are. He's in the limo that brings them there but then wanders around as the groundskeeper.

Should I choose Kate or Erin in The Devil in Me

When faced with killing Kate or Erin, choose Kate. The reason for this is that Kate will actually survive while Erin will not. Again, trust the process!Hector Munday

Along the way, characters can uncover clues revealing that Du'Met's original identity was Hector Munday. Munday was an FBI agent tasked to profile a serial killer, Manny Sherman, who convinced him to become a serial killer himself.Choosing the right dialogue options to save Kate is essential, and players can have a much easier time if they made some emphatic choices at earlier points in the story. It's still possible to save Kate even if Max wasn't as nice as she could have been toward her bullied friend.

5 There Are Most Likely Two Killers. Throughout the whole six hours of The Devil in Me, Du'Met always seems to be wherever the players are. He's in the limo that brings them there but then wanders around as the groundskeeper.

Should you answer Kate or not : Although she can be convinced without taking her call, it is hard to do so without knowing the correct decisions in advance. To help guarantee Kate's happiness, players should answer her call. Those who want to see Chloe and Max develop feelings for each other should ignore Kate's call instead.

What happens if you don’t save Kate : Along with a few small changes, Kate's dialog during the nightmare will be different depending on whether you save her or not. As it's a nightmare concocted in Max's own mind, Kate won't be nice to you no matter what. She will either blame you for her death or be angry that you didn't let her go.

Who has the most deaths in The Devil in Me

Among the cast members of The Devil In Me, Erin has the most number of opportunities to die throughout the game. Players get a sample opportunity to have Erin killed as soon as they enter the replica Murder Castle, but other opportunities could arise where Erin may die.

More importantly, ignoring Kate's call will make it significantly harder to convince Kate of something important later in the story. Chloe will be very happy that Max ignored Kate to focus on her, and the decision counts toward them falling in love with each other by the end of the game.If you did not answer Kate's phone call, the options are "It was in silent mode/My phone died/I was with Chloe/Thought it was Warren." The only option that Kate will take well is "It was in silent mode."

Who is Dumet in Devil in Me : Hector Munday

Along the way, characters can uncover clues revealing that Du'Met's original identity was Hector Munday. Munday was an FBI agent tasked to profile a serial killer, Manny Sherman, who convinced him to become a serial killer himself.